Welcome, Hunter, To the Zero Sievert Wiki[]
ZERO Sievert is an extraction shooter set in a post-apocalyptic world.
You as a newly assigned hunter will do tasks given from various persons with different backgrounds. Investigate areas riddled with hostile entities and humans alike and reveal the secrets of the abandoned Zakov city. Supplies are extremely limited, you must use what you have at hand and search for what you need with moderate care. In a world where even the slightest lapse of distraction could end up in your death, remember greed can kill. With no contact with the outside world and no one in the zone is really out to help you in your venture, be aware because after one danger ends another comes.
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*This site is co-created by veterans of the ZERO Sievert community.
Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or expanding on existing ones.
We are currently maintaining 2,204 pages (668 articles)!
Game version: v1.0 (Patch notes)